How to Dry Pears in the Oven: Easy Steps!

How to Dry Pears in the Oven

I absolutely love having the taste of summer pears available all year long!  Drying them in the oven is so much easier than you’d think, and it’s such a rewarding project. Not only do you end up with a healthy and delicious snack, but it’s also so versatile.  I like to choose a handful for … Read more

How to Clean Oven Racks: 3 Easy Methods

How to Clean Oven Racks 1

Oven racks are the worst. They’re big, they’re awkward to handle, and they always seem to accumulate a layer of baked-on gunk that’s practically impossible to remove.  But unfortunately, if you let them get too disgusting, they can actually affect how your food cooks. So, as much as you might want to ignore the problem, … Read more

How to Reheat Cornbread in Oven: 5 Easy Tips!

How to Reheat Cornbread in Oven

Sometimes, you end up with leftover cornbread. It happens. And unless you like eating dry, crumbly breadstuffs, you’re probably going to want to reheat it. Popping it in the oven for a few minutes isn’t going to magically transform it back into the masterpiece it was when it was fresh, but it definitely beats choking … Read more

What is Cast Aluminum Cookware? Benefits, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Cast Aluminum Cookware

If you’ve ever looked at pots and pans, you’ve probably seen stuff advertised as cast aluminum. But What is Cast Aluminum Cookware? Cast aluminum just means they pour melted metal into a mold to make the pan. They’re definitely heavier than those cheap, thin pans, which can be good or bad depending on how strong you are. They’re supposed … Read more