How to Reheat Pizza in Oven: 4 Easy Steps!

How to Reheat Pizza in Oven

Leftover pizza is a gift. But the microwave is the enemy of a good slice, turning a perfect food into a soggy, cheesy mess. Luckily, your oven can transform those leftovers back into their former glory. It takes a bit longer than just pressing a button, but that crispy crust and melty cheese are worth the extra effort. If you want to learn how to reheat pizza in oven and stop wasting perfectly good pizza, here’s the best way.

Benefits of reheating in the oven

Benefits of reheating in the oven

Sometimes the idea of turning on the oven just for a couple slices of leftover pizza seems ridiculous. Cold pizza for breakfast has a certain charm. But if you want to avoid that soggy crust, weird oily cheese situation and actually enjoy your leftovers, a few extra minutes in the oven is really helpful.

Nothing beats that perfect crispy-chewy crust you get from a fresh pizza. The oven helps bring back that texture, so you’re not just chewing through a sad, soggy mess. Also, the melted cheese factor is key; you want that delicious gooeyness, not a greasy layer that slides off your slice. And for your toppings, the dry heat of the oven revives them, so your veggies and pepperoni don’t feel like they’ve been steamed into oblivion. It’s pretty amazing how much better leftover pizza can taste with the right reheating method.

Preheating the Oven

Preheating the Oven

Preheating is one of those steps that seems annoying, but it really does make a difference with your pizza. You want a hot oven, not a lukewarm one, to get that crispy crust. Aim for at least 375 degrees, maybe even hotter if your oven is slow.

If you want an extra crispy crust, stick a baking sheet in the oven while it’s preheating. Once it’s hot, carefully slide your pizza onto that. That little trick helps blast the bottom of the crust for a perfect texture. It’s the closest you’ll get to brick-oven-style pizza at home!

Reheating Methods: Reheat Pizza in Oven

Reheating Methods

Stick your oven around 375 degrees and pop your slices directly onto the rack. Give it about 10 minutes, though you might need to adjust depending on how thick the crust is and how powerful your oven is. This is a good way to get a decent result with minimal effort.

Here are a couple of options for an even crispier crust:

  • Baking Sheet: If you preheated one like we talked about earlier, that’ll give you a crispier bottom. You can even use a regular baking sheet, though it takes a little longer for it to heat up.
  • Pizza Stone: This is a good option if you’re really into pizza. Since it holds heat, it helps blast your crust for that perfect crispy texture.
  • Extra Crispy Bonus: Brushing a tiny bit of olive oil along the edges of the crust before putting it in the oven can help it get extra browned and delicious.

Time and Temperature Guidelines

Time and Temperature Guidelines

Finding the perfect heat-and-time combo for reheating is always a bit of trial and error. Start with a 375-degree oven and give your pizza about 10-15 minutes on the middle rack. This usually helps get the crust crispy without turning everything else into a burnt mess.

Here are some extra tips:

  • If you want speed over perfection, bump the heat up to 400 degrees, but cut the time to around 8-10 minutes. Just watch it carefully so it doesn’t burn!
  • If you are worried about it drying out, Putting a piece of foil over the pizza (like a little tent) can help the cheese stay gooey, especially if your slices are thin-crusted.

These are just guidelines. Your oven might run hot or take longer to heat up, so adjust as you go. The goal is hot pizza, not burnt pizza!

Checking for Doneness

Checking for Doneness

The best way to tell if your pizza is ready is to trust your eyes (and your nose if you’re prone to burning things). You’re looking for that perfect balance: the edges of the crust should be a little browned and have a bit of crisp. The cheese should be bubbly and melted, not greasy or starting to get hard around the edges. If you have thick toppings, give the middle of the slice a poke – you want that to feel warm, too, not like it’s still cold from the fridge.

Every oven is a little different, and the time it takes depends on the type of pizza you’re starting with. If it’s getting too brown before it seems fully cooked, your oven might run hot, so just lower the temperature and let it go a few minutes longer. Conversely, if it doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere, you might need to crank the heat a bit. Experiment a bit until you figure out the perfect settings for your specific oven!

Serving and Enjoying Your Pizza

Serving and Enjoying Your Pizza

Your pizza is hot and ready! If you want something special, a sprinkle of fresh basil or a drizzle of hot sauce can add an extra something to those leftovers. If you don’t have fresh stuff, a jar of those dried red pepper flakes from the back of your spice rack basically turns you into a gourmet chef. Obviously, melted cheese is hotter than it looks, so don’t burn yourself! If you’re worried about your crust getting too dried out (especially with thin crust), try sticking a small oven-safe cup of water in there with the pizza – some people swear by this trick!


Sometimes, you’re so hungry you’ll eat leftover pizza, even if it vaguely resembles cardboard. We’ve all been there. But if you have a few minutes and actually want your pizza to taste like pizza, your oven is your best friend. Even if you don’t always feel like waiting, once you try it, you’ll realize it’s worth the effort. And no judgment if you still keep those red pepper flakes handy for when you just need food, like, right this minute.


Can I reheat multiple slices of pizza at once in the oven?

Yes! Just make sure they’re spaced out for even heating. This is great for when you’re feeding a crowd or just really hungry.

Should I use aluminum foil when reheating pizza in the oven?

It depends! Foil helps keep the crust softer but might make the cheese less melty. Experiment to see what you prefer for your leftover pizza.

Can I reheat a deep dish or thick-crust pizza in the oven?

Absolutely! These types of pizza might just take a little longer to warm through to the center.

How do I store leftover pizza after reheating it?

Same as before you reheated it – an airtight container in the fridge is the way to go. But the sooner you eat it, the better it’s going to taste. Try to finish those leftovers within a few days before the crust gets weird.

Is it safe to reheat leftover pizza in the oven?

Totally! The key is just making sure it’s actually hot, not just kinda warm. You don’t need to get all fancy with a food thermometer or anything. If you’re the type who worries about food poisoning, just give the middle a poke – you’ll know if it’s still cold in the center.

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